Good Study Habits Increase SAT Scores
November 10, 2022, 10:55 PMGood Study Habits Increase SAT Scores
Remember that the SAT is a marathon, not a sprint. So students need to take the long view when studying for the SAT, focusing on creating really good study habits that will optimize the score potential. Here are five key study habit checklists. How do you measure up?
Study Tip #1: Know Your Goal Score
Have I set a realistic yet challenging score goal?
Am I taking regular practice SAT tests so I know how I am currently scoring on the test?
Am I targeting the areas that are most difficult for me?
Am I going back and reviewing the areas that are the most challenging to me?
Study Habit #2: Don’t Cram, Give Yourself Plenty of Time
Do I have system for tracking my progress toward my goal score?
Have I registered for the SAT test? Have I penciled in a second try in my timeline?
Have I given myself at least 6-8 weeks to prepare for the first SAT? Did I allow at least 4-6 weeks to prepare for any re-tests?
Did I take into account my sports or extracurricular activities when planning for my tests so I don’t too overwhelmed?
Am I aware the SAT now offers a summer testing option?
Don’t Forget: Kranse is the ONLY online SAT program that offers 18-months of access to our students. We want our students to have plenty of time to study at a pace that works for them.
Study Habit #3: Develop Good Time Management Skills
Do I have a specific day(s) and time that I set aside each week to study for the SAT?
Do I have a way to signal family and friends to let them know I am studying so they won’t disturb me?
Do I turn off the sound on my phone so I will not be distracted by friends and social media updates?
Do I know how to use “rewards” to encourage my studying? For example, "After I finish this practice section, I will reward myself by watching my favorite You Tube video?”
Do I schedule regular study breaks?
Tip: Sign up for Kranse’s free SAT app, which automatically tracks and measures your progress in the course. It also features cash prize contests, auto updates and study tips.
Study Habit #4: Create a Good Work-Study Station
Do I have a large enough workspace so I can spread out?
Is the space comfortable? Do I have good chair?
Do I have pencils, erasers, highlighters, sticky notes and index cards within arm's reach?
Do I have a special place or backpack to store all of my SAT study materials so I can easily find them?
Do I have a timer available? Timers are much better than cell phones, which can become a distraction.
Tip: Even students who like the flexibility of the Kranse online SAT program, can still create still create a “mobile” work-study station by making sure you have everything you need readily available in your backpack.
Study Habit #5: Take Care of Physical Health
Am I making getting good sleep a priority?
Am I making sure I get enough “downtime” to help manage everyday stress?
Am I staying well-hydrated and eating healthy snacks?
Do I take steps to make sure that I stay healthy even when others around me are sick?
Am I getting enough exercise and fresh air? Do I have a fun physical activity that I like to do to relieve stress?
Tip: Make sure in the week leading up to the actual SAT that you catch up on sleep! The night before stay home and relax, you deserve it!
Study Habit #6: Get Parents Involved
Am I finding ways to get my parents involved in my SAT prep process?
Have I talked with my parents about my SAT prep process and ways that they can help to keep me motivated and optimistic?
Have I asked for both direct help (like timing tests, signup for the SAT) and indirect help (like making yummy snacks or cheering me on)?
Have I thanked my parents for all the ways they are helping me to succeed?
Tip: Multiple studies have shown that parental involvement in academics raises test scores and grades. So if you haven’t talked to your parents about your SAT prep or college plans, now is the time. The more people on your “team”, the better.
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